Sermons from 2023
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 31, 2023
Introducing the 2024 Psalm of the Year Psalm 104
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Passage: Psalm 104:1–35
December 24, 2023
I fought the law and Christ won!
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Topic: Christmas Passage: Galatians 3:1– 4:7
December 17, 2023
Abraham the Example: Heir by Faith
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Passage: Romans 4:13– 5:11
December 3, 2023
The Man of Faith
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 25:1–18
November 26, 2023
Finding a Spouse
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 24:1–67
November 19, 2023
A Place of Our Own
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 22:20– 23:20
November 12, 2023
Faith of our Father
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 21:22– 22:19
November 5, 2023
Hallelujah: A Psalm of Praise
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weaver Topic: Psalms Passage: Psalm 111:1–10
October 29, 2023
Not what I expected
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: 1 Timothy Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–22
October 15, 2023
Promises, Promises
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 21:1–21
October 8, 2023
How Long O Lord? A Psalm of Lament
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weaver Topic: Psalms Passage: Psalm 13:1–6
October 1, 2023
Introduction to the Psalms: A song about the Reign of YHWH and His King
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weaver Topic: Psalms Passage: Psalm 2
September 24, 2023
When Will I Ever Learn?
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 20:1–18
September 17, 2023
Out of the Ugliness Comes Grace
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 19:1–38
September 10, 2023
Introduction to the Psalms: A song about the two ways of life
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weaver Passage: Psalm 1:1–6
September 3, 2023
Abraham the Intercessor
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 18:1–33
August 27, 2023
A Gracious God to All Generations
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 17:1–27
August 20, 2023
The God who sees and hears me!
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 16:1–15
August 13, 2023
Ancient Words, Ever True
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 15:1–21
July 30, 2023
Greetings from the King of Righteousness
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 14
July 23, 2023
This Land Ain't Big Enough for the Two of Us
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 13
July 16, 2023
The type of man whom God calls, and the type of God who calls him
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 12:1–20
July 2, 2023
A Turning Point in Genesis
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 1–11
June 18, 2023
God of Our Fathers
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 11:10–33
June 11, 2023
The Gloriously Ordinary Ways God Starts Churches
Speaker: Rev. Zach Carter Passage: Acts 16:11–15
June 4, 2023
A church without God
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 11:1–9
May 28, 2023
He’s got the whole world in His hands
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 10:1–32
May 21, 2023
Same Song, Different Verse
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 9:18–29
May 7, 2023
Standing On the Promises of God
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 8:1– 9:17
April 23, 2023
It's a hard rain that's a-gonna fall
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 6:9– 7:24
April 9, 2023
The Christ Effect in the Resurrection
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Topic: Easter Passage: Romans 5:12–21
April 2, 2023
A Family Tradition
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 5:1– 6:8
March 26, 2023
Church Membership - The Portrayal of the Body of Christ
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weaver Topic: Church Membership Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12–27
March 12, 2023
Same old Story, Same old Song and Dance
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 4:1–26
March 5, 2023
It's me. Hi. I am the problem: it's me
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 3:1–24
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February 26, 2023
Love, Love will keep us together?
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Love Passage: Genesis 2:15–25
February 19, 2023
Men at Work, from A Land Down Under?
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Genesis 2:4–17
February 12, 2023
Salvation's plan-to the praise of His glory
Speaker: Dr. Daniel Weaver Passage: Ephesians 1:1–14
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January 29, 2023
The Sixth Day: The Pinnacle of Creation
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 1:24–31
January 22, 2023
The Six Day Creation
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Passage: Genesis 1:1–31
January 8, 2023
The End of Creation
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Genesis Topic: Genesis Passage: Romans 11:36
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January 1, 2023
The Psalm of the Year: The Value of Humanity
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Psalm of the Year Topic: Psalms Passage: Psalm 8
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