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Church Leadership

Church Leadership

"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood." -Acts 20:28

Dr. Blair Waddell - Elder, Senior Pastor


Blair Waddell became a pastor at Providence in 2012. He has the distinction of being a member first, before the church chose him to be the senior pastor. He is a graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and the University of Stirling, Scotland (Ph.D.). Blair teaches at the Birmingham Theological Seminary, the Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary and the Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary. He is passionate about missions, reading, soccer and the Nashville Predators. He has been married to Lisa for over 30 years and is the father of four daughters. 


Dr. Daniel Weaver – Elder, Associate Pastor

Daniel began serving as Associate Minister in January of 2023. He came to faith in Christ in his late teens and began sensing a burden to teach and preach the gospel while in his undergraduate studies. He holds a Ph.D from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, a M.Div. from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, and a B.S. from The University of Alabama. He is a Huntsville native and a graduate of Grissom High School. Before coming back to Huntsville in 2020, he was Assistant Dean and Assistant Professor at Texas Baptist College (the undergraduate program of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary). He has served at various churches as a senior pastor and in several age group ministries. He is passionate about God’s Word, the Church, and disciple-making. He met his wife Amanda at The University of Alabama. They enjoy serving together and raising their young family.


Mike Hutchison – Elder
Mike Hutchison.2019

Raised in a small town in rural West Virginia, Mike came to faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 8 through the ministry of the local Baptist church. His mother, sister, and father came to Christ all within the same year, so Mike grew up in a family who loved the Lord and was actively involved in the ministry of the church. Mike grew spiritually through his pre-teen and teen years under the influence of his godly parents and pastors. His wife, Vickie, moved to the same small town during her teen years.  They began dating during Mike’s junior year in college and were married within a month after Mike graduated with a B. S. in chemical engineering. Mike worked for 40 years in the chemical industry in process design and research before retiring in 2009. He and Vickie celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary in 2022. They have two adult daughters and four grandchildren. Over the 60+ years since his salvation, Mike has been privileged to serve the Body of Christ through teaching and as deacon and elder. In addition to teaching, Mike also enjoys music (especially choral and a cappella), acoustics, home electronics, and sharing life with his wife and daughter’s family, who moved here to Huntsville in 2019.


Brian Fourroux – Elder

Born and raised in Madison, AL, Brian attended an Episcopal church until the age of 16. At that time, he was involved in a local Methodist youth group where the realities of his sin before a holy God and the redemption offered in the gospel became apparent to him. Shortly after, Brian and his now-wife, Kelsey, began dating. They both attended Auburn University where Brian graduated with a BA in Psychology. Brian and Kelsey married in July of 2011 and were both baptized as professing believers a few months later in October. Since graduating, Brian has studied at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, worked in property management, served as an associate pastor and youth pastor, worked in banking, and is currently a real estate agent. He is passionate about preaching and teaching God’s Word in order to “present everyone mature in Christ” (Col 1:28). Brian and Kelsey are blessed with 3 children: Ezra, Eden, and Joel. He enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, working on home improvement projects, games of all kinds (board games, sports, video games), and anything sci-fi/fantasy.