Sermons from 2022
Back to Sermon ArchiveSeptember 11, 2022
The Aim of the Church's Teaching
Speaker: Series: 1 Timothy Passage: 1 Timothy 1:1–11
September 4, 2022
A Humble Sermon About Boasting
Speaker: Dr. Alex Carr Topic: Humility Passage: 1 Corinthians 1:25–31
August 28, 2022
The End of the Story?
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:55– 28:20
August 21, 2022
The Greatest Worst Day in the World
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:1–54
August 14, 2022
A Sleepless Night
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:36–68
August 7, 2022
A New Feast For a New Covenant
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:17–35, Matthew 26:69–75
July 31, 2022
Beauty Treatment
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:1–16
July 24, 2022
Watching and Waiting
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:36– 26:2
July 17, 2022
From One Elder to Another
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Topic: Elders Passage: Acts 20:17–38
July 10, 2022
Stay Awake
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:29–51
July 3, 2022
Situation 1.5 and beyond
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:15–35
June 26, 2022
The Church: A People Saved by Grace through Faith to display His Glory
Speaker: Topic: Grace Passage: Ephesians 2:1–10
June 19, 2022
Setting Up the Olivet Discourse
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:1–14
June 12, 2022
Figs, Faith, and Folly
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 23:37–39
June 5, 2022
The Curse Upon the Pharisees
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 23:1–36
May 29, 2022
The Healthy Alternative
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:23–46
May 22, 2022
The Christian & Government
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:15–22
May 15, 2022
Feast or Famine
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 22:1–14
May 8, 2022
A Gracious Invitation
Speaker: Rev. Brian Milby Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 11:28–30
May 1, 2022
An Identity Crisis
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:18–46
April 24, 2022
The Aftermath: Living in Light of the Resurrection
Speaker: Brian Fourroux Topic: Resurrection Passage: Acts 4:23–31
April 17, 2022
That the King s Glory May Come In
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Topic: Psalms Passage: Psalm 24
April 10, 2022
Inaugurating a week that would change all of history
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:1–17
April 3, 2022
The Church: A re-created people who display God's Glory
March 20, 2022
Holy Ambition
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 20:17–28
March 13, 2022
Upside Down Kingdom continued
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 20:1–19
March 6, 2022
The Upside Down Kingdom
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:11–30
February 27, 2022
Philippians 4:4-7: Joy that is Lasting, Peace that Protects.
Passage: Philippians 4:4–7
February 20, 2022
An excursus on singleness
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:11–12
February 13, 2022
The Sanctity of Marriage
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 19:1–12
February 6, 2022
Forgiveness: A Characteristic of a Christian
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:21–35
January 30, 2022
Reconciling sinners to sinners
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:15–20
January 23, 2022
Little Children = Little Lambs
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:5–14
January 16, 2022
Advancing the 'Pro-Kingdom-Life' Agenda
Speaker: Rev. Brian Milby Topic: Parenting Passage: Mark 10:13–16
January 9, 2022
Child-like faith and the seriousness of sin
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Series: Matthew Topic: Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:1–9
January 2, 2022
Men Behaving Badly - Your Reaction
Speaker: Dr. Blair Waddell Topic: Psalms Passage: Psalm 5