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Preparing for the Lord’s Supper

Recently, I read Aubrey Sequeira’s little book on the Lord's Supper (you can find this in the book reviews). Many people ask me how can I make the Supper more meaningful. The number one way that you can enhance this means of grace is to prepare at least the night before. Knowing that we celebrate the Supper on the first Sunday of the month allows you to meditate on the event in an organized fashion.  I have found Sequeira’s questions to be a great benefit.

Question #1: Am I trusting in anything other than Jesus and his death to save me from sin? If the answer is yes, now is a good time to renew your faith in Jesus as your only hope in life and death.

Question #2: Are there sins I need to confess and repent of before the Lord? If the answer is yes, now is a good time to confess your sins to God, receive his forgiveness, and resolve to walk in repentance.

Question #3: Am I living in peace and unity with my brothers and sisters in Christ? If the answer is no, then be sure to pursue peace and reconciliation in any broken relationships before you participate in the Lord's Supper (read Matthew 5: 21- 24).

The third question is especially important as you may need sufficient time before partaking of communion. Meditate on a gospel-centered passage such as Isaiah 53 or Ephesians 2:1-10. Then ask yourselves these wonderful questions.