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Being Thankful for You

Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. I love the autumn. I love the food. I love the sports. And I love the emphasis on being thankful (especially before the materialism of Christmas sets in). My family and I take time to write down things we are grateful to God for, but too often we fail to recognize how thankful we are for the body of Christ.

In her book on prayer, Megan Hill writes:

“In a Christian community too often plagued by jealousy and envy, corporate thanksgiving is an opportunity to enter into the joys of others, to delight with them at the Lord’s kindness, and to affirm that blessing given to one member is, in fact, a blessing to the whole body”

She has written a wonderful article on the corporate aspect of Thanksgiving. I would encourage you to read it.

Let’s be thankful for one another as holidays approach.