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Achieving 2020 Vision in 2020

I know we are a week away from the New Year. But once again, I would like to share a spiritual discipline with you that has given me great advantage. I am a goal-oriented type of person. In my work, I tend to make lists that keep me on track. I have various calendars in which I can mark progress. Give me a target that I can aim for, and I will get results. But the opposite is also true. If I don’t have a plan for my day or I don’t map out strategic goals for my week, I tend to flounder and get side-tracked. My production drops. When I set clear goals, my production increases.

The same is true for me spiritually. If I want to grow spiritually mature, it helps for me to have goals. When I set marks I want to achieve, I tend to succeed in them. In order to help me, for the past few years I have been using Donald Whitney’s Ten Questions (you can find them here Whitney wrote the excellent book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. It helped me immensely when I began to take my faith seriously. So it is no surprise these ten questions help as well. The title is actually a misnomer because there are actually thirty-one questions. You can use one question a day to help you set a goal for the new year. But Whitney encourages you to do think through the first ten as a means for setting a goal for the New Year.

Last year, I achieved such goals as learning more about ecclesiology, reading a particular book I always wanted to read and even improving a financial situation I was in. The questions are very helpful. And I hope they benefit you.