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Why Do We Do Child Dedications at Providence?

That’s a good question. I have been told that baby dedications are akin to what Presbyterians do when they baptize their infants. And there is a similarity. But to be sure, we as credo-Baptists administer baptism only after a person has believed and professes Christ (as the scriptures teach us). That alone is a major distinction. I want to give you three reasons why we do Baby dedications.

First of all, children are a gift of life from the Lord. While it’s not mandated, we typically do our baby dedications on Sanctity of Life Sunday. We acknowledge on this day before our congregation and as a public testimony, children are a gift from God. We honor all of life by saying to this child, we are thankful for the blessing that you are to us as an infant/toddler to the time we conduct your funeral service. All of life is important to our creator God. Therefore, it is important to us as well.

Second, in our church covenant, individually, each member declares if they have children that they will raise their children in Christ (from Deuteronomy 6:7, 20-21). It reads, ‘We also engage to maintain family and personal devotions; to educate our children in the Christian faith; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances.’  When a couple first joins the church, to the time they have their first child, they need to be reminded of this important decision that was made before their child entered the world. It should be their desire to have family worship, teach their children about Jesus, and seek their salvation. Baby dedication is a serious reminder of that pledge.

And third, our church covenant is meant to be lived in community. We are a locally covenanted community that has made promises to one another. Fellow church members need to be reminded of their commitment to families. Those that adhere to the covenant ARE the local church. We do not do the Christian life alone, but we do it corporately as each member has been granted gifts, they are to use to serve the body (Romans 12:3-11). Young parents need seasoned parents to help them know what to expect. Fathers and mothers need teachers in the church to show them how to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Fathers need to understand the appropriate means and boundaries of discipline. Parents need children’s teachers in the church to look after their little ones while they attend Sunday School classes for their edification. Children need to see their parents participating in corporate worship and service that demonstrates the love we are to have one to another as Christ loved us (John 13:33-34). And to this end, a child at providence has a whole church that seeks their salvation- not just the parents. The children of Providence Baptist receive the blessed privilege of being raised in the covenant community with the hopes that someday they, too, will participate in it.

We recognize that some parents out of conscience do not want to participate in baby dedication. That is fine as it is not scripturally mandated nor is it an ordinance. Some might even say it is irregular and not included in the regulative principle (though we should remember the regulative principle is a principle- not a law). But for the rest of us, we see it as a good reminder of our commitment to each other as a church family. When I see a baby dedication, I am reminded of my commitment once again to my own older children as well as my brothers’ and sisters’ children in the congregation that I, too, should work nursery, support VBS and Children’s Sunday School, and pray daily for these families. And we hope that it is a further display to the wider community of our commitment to one another as a church body for the glory of God.