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A Pastor’s Plea

A new quarter is about to begin in Sunday School. Our new classes start on April 2, but we need you to sign up this weekend so that we can assign classroom space and order the correct number of materials. But as your pastor, let me request, beg and plead that you attend Sunday School. We have such a special privilege to be blessed with so many gifted teachers. We also have a special privilege to gather in small groups to study the word of God with all diligence. Your spiritual health is dependent upon your intake of the word. Sunday School teaches you the tools you need to become not only a disciple of Christ, but to become a disciple maker. (And if you tell me you have all the tools you need already, then I will respond ‘That’s great! We need Sunday School teachers! We can get you signed up to teach in the coming year.’). Your children and other members of your family need Sunday School too. I don’t say this to guilt you, but to make a blessing available to you. So please sign up this Sunday if you have not done so already.
Our adult education ministry has three offerings. Our chairman of elders, Dennon Clardy, will be teaching through Philippians. This letter is particularly relevant to the modern church as it seeks to understand the concept of joy in the life of a believer. If you are seeking contentment as the Lord intends, may I suggest you join this class? Jim Carter will be repeating the basic discipleship and biblical counselling class. The class will be using John MacArthur and Wayne Mack’s book, Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically (see the link to the book here- ). I hope every church member will avail themselves to the tools here on how to help others through God’s word. The book will be provided to you free. And Jim Moorhead will be devoting an entire quarter to our Lord’s High Priestly prayer found in John 17. This prayer is rich with solid theology and encouragement. It is well worth devoting twelve weeks of study and meditation Sadly, due to illness, Sue Carter will not be able to offer the class for women that we had scheduled. But, Lord willing, she will be able to offer it in the near future. Please continue to pray for Sue’s recovery.