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Providential Potlucks

As the organizer, I had asked Jim Carter if he would write a word about our Providential Potlucks and why they are important. He told me he couldn't say it any better than this article by Mary Mohler, wife of SBTS president, Al Mohler. (  I have to agree. It is well done and explains the need to practice hospitality in the church. It's still not too late to participate.
Providence will continue a fellowship opportunity for our members (couples/singles age 21 and above). The purpose is to “Show hospitality to one another…” -1 Peter 4:9. Once a month (on Saturday evenings 9/9, 10/7, 11/4, and 12/2), couples and singles (six to eight individuals) will gather in a home for an evening meal, fellowship and good discussion. Because of Labor Day weekend the initial Potluck will be on Saturday (9/9). Sign up by contacting Laura at the church office 256 895 7279 or pbcoffice1355 at to reserve a place, so we can make up the schedule. Childcare would be on your own.